Allmänna Sången & Anders Wall Composition Award

Zum fünften Mal veranstalten Allmänna Sången und Anders Wall gemeinsam mit Gehrmans Musikförlag einen internationalen Kompositionswettbewerb. Der Preis beinhaltet neben einer Preissumme von SEK 60.000, eine Uraufführung des Gewinnerstücks durch Allmänna Sången und die Veröffentlichung des Werkes durch den Gehrmans Musikförlag. Eine Registrierung ist ab 1. Mai 2023 möglich, die Einreichung zwischen dem 1. Mai und 31. Dezember 2023.

The competition is international and targets women composers irrespective of profession or nationality. All entries will be reviewed by a reputable international jury.


Only women composers may participate in the competition. The submitted piece must not have been published or performed previously. The lyrics for the piece are chosen by the composer and should feel relevant to our times. The lyrics can be in any language, but if a language other than English, Swedish or Latin is chosen, a pronunciation guide must accompany the piece. The pronunciation guide should preferably use the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).

​For detailed rules, see “Terms and Conditions


​The registration for ASAWCA 2024 is open, please register here.

All submissions received between May 1 and December 31, 2023, will be anonymously judged by our jury in order to select a winner.

More information

More information will be published continuously. If you have any questions, please contact the project manager Patrik Hansson at